oTMS FreightPartner is an logistics bidding service platform that intelligently and efficiently link shipper and carriers by intelligent matching and algorithm recommendation.

- Unique bids from high quality shippers
- Popular bids on the whole network
- oTMS Orange transport projects

- Customized bidding criterion
- Carrier matching and recommendation
- Carrier pool building

- Tariff generation and distribution
- Quotation comparison and negotiation
- Bidding data analysis
Get reliable carriers -
Get best rates -
Get your cargo delivered
Access to more transport bids -
Benchmark how competitive you are -
Become oTMS platform carrier
We build a bid pool, you swim.
How to start
- Shipper
- Carrier
- Register and verify your account
- Publish bid and set criterions
- Screen applied carriers and download bidding report
- Organize online RFQ
- Bid analysis (coming soon)
- Benchmark (coming soon)
- Register and verify your account
- Complete company profile to get matching opportunity
- Apply bid or get bid invitation
- Attend online RFQ
- Bid analysis (coming soon)
- Benchmark (coming soon)

1. What is the difference between FreightPartner and bid yellow page?
Freightpartner focuses on intelligent matching between shipper and carrier instead of information yellow page.
System will recommend best match carriers to shippers only if they set their criterion, and the more specific criteria the more accurate result. Carriers will be asked to complete company profile that contains the information of transport network, self-owned vehicle number, industry experience and so on, and system will automatically match business opportunity based on the information carriers filling in.
3. How FreightPartner help shipper save cost ?
The logistics cost savings is not achieved by bargaining or oppression of carriers, but can be achieved through optimal matching. FreightPartner is exactly the tool to match transport resource and optimize transport cost. Specifically, shipper can develop lower tier carriers, getting to know latest market price, coordinate logistics resources with other shippers by FreightPartner.
5. What is the effect of using FreightPartner?
Shippers can quickly find satisfied logistics cooperative partners on FreightPartner, so it is very popular in shippers.
For example, a well-known food company in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, recruit logistics resources for the routes from Chengdu factory to national distributors. This shipper post bid information on the other platform and only receive 8 applications in 15 days, but he obtain 64 applications only in 5 days on FreightPartner platform.
2. How FreightPartner help shipper find the relible transport resources?
oTMS has built up a huge carrier network based on upstream and downstream business relationship, and the carrier has be subdevided from industry type and business type. Shipper can see carriers' actual performance if these carrier have be oneTMS users. More importantly, only the carrier who reach the criterion can apply bid, this can help shipper exclude many unqualified applications.
4. How FreightPartner make bidding process more easier?
FreightPartner is easy to use and all bidding process can be done by FreightPartner. The screening process has been refined by information matching, which can greatly decrease the screening difficulty and workload. Also, system algorithm and big data will help shipper make their decisions efficiently and easily. Except the convenience of tool, we have large carrier base to support any transport demands, and high quality transport business opportunities from FreightPartner shippers and oTMS also help carrier to get more success.
6. What shipper and carrier can do on FreightPartner?
Shipper can post bid information, organize online RFI and RFQ, do bid analysis and download report on FreightPartner. They also can get to know market price level when Benchmark release.
Carrier is not only can view and apply bid online, but also can directly attend online quotation on FreightPartner. Besides, the more opportunities will present to them if they join oTMS carrier pool. Also they will get to know their market competitiveness via Benchmark.
Except running bid process online, both of them can join oTMS Orange to get more services like operation management, invoicing, financing & insurance.